Monday, July 30, 2007

A Sewer's Mind?

This weekeend I directed my cousin's wedding in was fun, but alot of work. The wedding was beautiful and they are not honeymooning in the Dominican Republic. I tried to convince them that going with them was suitable compensation, but they weren't buying it.

Anyhoo, I decided that today was going to be my day to do what I wanted to since I was on everyone else's schedule this weekend. So after I dropped all the rental stuff off and packed my car, I decided to head to JoAnn's for some fabric so that I can get started sewing.

Ok, I know what you're's taking FOR-EV-ER for her to get started. Yeah, I agree it is. But today I think I am beginning to realize why....I don't really have a sewer's mind.

Ok, let me explain. I'm in JoAnn's looking at fabric. Ok, and can I just say that JoAnn's has a ton of fabric....but I'm sure you already knew that. So I'm walking through the aisles and I swear the aisles are multiplying by the dozens. I am looking and looking and looking and looking. All of a sudden it seems like I have fashion amnesia....I forgot how to match stuff...LOL. So finally I did pick out some fabric for an apron that I want to make....

But I forgot what it looked like and the different possible fabric combos you could make it with.

I guess this is something I'm going to have to develop over time. While there I also bought Simplicity's Simply the Best Sewing Book. I have yet to really see why it's simply the best...LOL. I think I'm only going to learn while doing. Soooo....I'm getting ready to plug up my machine by myself for the first time...wish me luck!

Sew Happy!

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