Friday, July 20, 2007

I Finally Turned It On!

So I've had my sewing machine for a month or so. I've ogled it in the box, taken it out, tried to decipher the cryptic and archaic instruction booklet. I've been threatening one of the students that work in my building to bring my stuff so that he can show me how to use it. So I finally did it today. Today was the first time I turned my sewing machine on EVER! WHOO HOO!

Oh yeah, here's the machine I bought

It's not a Singer like I originially thought I was going to purchase. I saw this one on HSN while watching a sewing segment one Sunday afternoon. The reviews for this one were better than the other sewing machines I looked at. And since I was on my head to get one, I decided to get this one. Based on my brief demonstration today, it doesn't seem like it's going to be a totally bad machine. It will just take some time getting used to.

So I've bought some patterns. At first, I bought McCall's but then my godmother said that I needed to purchase Simplicity, because they were easier to cut and easier to sew (hence the name Simplicity LOL). So I went to wal-mart and got a couple of those patterns too. Right now my method isn't as methodical as I would like, but I'm making some progress. I guess at some point I just need to dive in and start wading through the sewing, that was a corny analogy...LOL

I need to get some fabric for my patterns now. I just can't seem to find what I like. But I'll keep looking. I think my first project is an apron....

Maybe sewing this will inspire me to cook....PSYCHE!

1 comment:

Erica Bunker said...

Girl, it's about time you pull that machine out. The best way is to just start sewing. It's not going to be perfect at first, but you'll learn something new everytime you turn it on and you'll see vast improvements.